Josie Elizalde Ancestry

Ancestors of Josefina Mercedes Elizalde

Surname List: Begins with V

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All surnames beginning with V, sorted alphabetically (total individuals):

1. Valadez (1)
2. Valdez (2)
3. Valenzuela (11)
4. Valera Balera (1)
5. Vallejo (2)
6. Vanegas (1)
   7. Varela (1)
8. Vargas (1)
9. Vargas Machuca (1)
10. Vasquez (3)
11. Vega (9)
12. Vela (18)
   13. Vela Cordova (2)
14. Velasquez (2)
15. Velasquez Belasquez (1)
16. Velaz de Alva, conde de Vizcaya (1)
17. Velez (10)
18. Velis (1)
   19. Velloso (1)
20. Veloso (Bellosos), Senor de Cabrera y Rivera en Galicia (1)
21. Veltran - Beltran (1)
22. Vidal (2)
23. Viera (1)
24. Vilez (1)
   25. Villalobos (1)
26. Villaneda (1)
27. Villanueva (14)
28. Villanueva Santillano (1)
29. Villasenor (45)
30. Vivanco (1)