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Wesley Johnston's Dutch Family Tree - Boezel, van Wijk and many more

Dates and Anniversaries

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 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Born   Person ID 
Byrnes, Patrick 
 Bef 14 Apr 1846Farran, Killeentierna, County Kerry, Ireland Find all individuals with events at this location I1475


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 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Arrival   Person ID 
Bogaerts Bogaarts, Francisca - Francina - Francientje - 
 Aft 12 Apr 1854America Find all individuals with events at this location I1628


Matches 1 to 2 of 2

 #   Last Name, Given Name(s)   Residence   Person ID 
Smid, Egberdina - Dien - Dina - 
 13 Apr 1940Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I463
Van Wyk, Tjitte Thomas Tommy 
 13 Apr 1940Grand Rapids, Kent, Michigan, USA Find all individuals with events at this location I488