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Serious Illness of Patrick T. McElherne - Chicago Tribune - 7 Nov 1889, p 6 - detail

GLEANINGS IN LOCAL FIELDS / SERIOUS ILLNESS OF P. T. McELHERNE. / P. T. McElherne, one of the best known Irish-American citizens of Chicago, is lying at his home on May street dangerously ill. For some time Mr. McElherne's health has been bad, but he had been confined to the house only a few days. Last Friday he was seized with a violent hemmorhage of the stomach, which left him greatly exhausted. It is not believed that he can recover. Mr. McElherne was born in Ireland some forty seven years ago. His parents came to America when he was young, and he was educated at the old St. Mary's of the Lake College, which formerly flourished on the North Side. Having been admitted to the bar, Mr. McElherne began practice at Rock Island, where he served a term as County Attorney. He removed to Chicago about twelve years ago, and has enjoyed an extensive practice here. In politics, he is a Republican. The last occasion when Mr. McElherne distinguished himself was about six weeks ago, when he made an elaborate speech before the Drainage Commission. He has a wife and a large family of young children.

File nameSerious Illness of Patrick T. McElherne - Chicago Tribune - 7 Nov 1889, p 6 - detail.jpg
File Size240.62k
Dimensions770 x 880
Linked toPatrick T. McElherne (Newspaper Article); Patrick T. McElherne

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