Zurück in der Zeit (Back in Time)

Our German (and some Dutch) ancestry

Surname List

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Top 50 surnames (total individuals):

Staack (96)
Schaumburg (82)
Gelis (69)
Konsoer (59)
Hasemann (53)
Johnston (43)
Martin (41)
Rohn (32)
Toppel (29)
Consoer (28)
Meyer (27)
Luecke (26)
Theis (25)
Prack (24)
Kansoer (20)
Buehler (19)
Gielow (18)
Haselow (17)
Mueller (17)
Warren (17)
Hoffman (16)
Bock (15)
Schicht (14)
Schippits (14)
Vos (14)
Brandt (13)
Pagels (13)
Polejewski (13)
Pressler (13)
Peterson (12)
Presler (12)
Retzlaff (12)
Richers (12)
Abraham (11)
Bahlmann (11)
Consoer Konsoer (11)
Grano (11)
Haseman (11)
Koehn (11)
Lane (11)
Schneider (11)
Schwandt (11)
Sepke (11)
Bade (10)
Hartmann (10)
Prochnow (10)
Wulff (10)
Auhagen (9)
Born (9)
Brandau (9)
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Top 10 surnames
(among all names)

Just the top 10